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Self Storage and Spring Cleaning

Here are Hamiltons Removals’ top five tips on fast, effective spring cleaning – and how our Safe N Stored self storage units in the heart of East Anglia can be an essential tool in making the whole process that much simpler.  

Go Room by Room

It’s important, when you are spring cleaning, to be as methodical as possible. So, decide when it’s going to be most convenient to do which room, factoring in issues such as home schooling, working from home and which room gets the most use at certain times of the day. Give yourself a time limit – this will help give the whole process a sense of focus and motivation.

Work from Top to Bottom

Although it can be tempting to start at the bottom, it will be counter-productive to start your spring clean by vacuuming the floor, whichever room you are in. However, you can use the appropriate vacuum cleaner hose attachments to remove all the dust and cobwebs from the ceiling and the walls.

Next, dust or wipe down the top surfaces of any furniture and any windowsills. The floors can wait until the very end – that way you can pick up any grime and dirt you have disturbed earlier on.

Protect Yourself

It may seem obvious, but you should check the labels on any cleaning products beforehand – not just so you can be sure you are using them correctly, but also to guard against any potential allergic reactions.

One method of avoiding this problem is to use natural alternatives, such as a steam cleaner. This will get rid of really stubborn stains on microwaves, hard floors, tiles and other surfaces. They operate by using hot water vapour, so there’s no chemical health risk involved.

Don’t forget to wear plenty of protective gear as well, whether it’s a mask, rubber gloves or an apron. These will protect you (and your clothes), particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition, such as a skin complaint or a respiratory disease.

Get Rid of Everything You Can

One of the biggest problems with spring cleaning is the lack of space. So, use it as a reason to get rid of everything you aren’t likely to use. In the bathroom, this means getting rid of any medicines which are out of date. In the bedroom, get rid of any clothes you aren’t likely to wear, either because they don’t fit you or are out of season (or style). In the kitchen, you should get rid of all the foodstuffs (usually at the backs of cupboards, where they’ve been forgotten about) which are past their ‘use by’ or ‘best before’ date.

Use Self Storage

To spring clean properly, you really need to get into all the nooks and crannies in every room. So why not put larger items into self-storage? This will give you more space to work in and really help to focus your mind.  Smaller items, such as winter clothing, can also be put a self-storage unit as you won’t be wearing any of it for at least six months.

If your spring cleaning extends to the garage or the shed, garden tools (including mowers) and other DIY-related bits and pieces can also be put into storage.

Hamiltons Removals – Safe N Stored Storage Units in the Heart of East Anglia

Norfolk removal company Hamiltons Removals has two Safe N Stored sites, at Harleston and Aldeby, which are ideal if you need somewhere to put any of your possessions while you are spring cleaning.

Our Harleston site, which is currently open from 09.15am-17.15pm, has a range of self-storage rooms which can be rented for as little as £65 per month. You can also order a range of packaging materials online from this site. Our Aldeby base is home to self-storage containers from 5’ to 20’, making it ideal for larger items, such as motorhomes, caravans and boats. They are also protected by CCTV and has both secure key fob entry and high security padlocks. Social distancing is in place at both sites.

Key Reasons to Move Your Business

Hamiltons Removals are specialists in commercial removals to Norfolk, Suffolk, across the UK and overseas. Here we look at some tell-tale signs why companies should consider moving to new premises – and how we can help meet all your commercial removal needs.

For Reasons of Space

When business is booming and extra staff are recruited, commercial premises can quickly suffer growing pains. Additional space for desks, plug sockets for computers, telephone lines for desk phones and internet access are just a few of the growth-related challenges. There’s also the consideration of needing more meeting rooms, a larger kitchen and canteen facilities for staff and increasing parking requirements.

Another consideration is the recent increase in employees working from home on a regular basis, which could mean that the office space could be downsized and reimaged as a place for staff to meet and collaborate rather than sit at fixed desks.

For Economic Reasons

Ensuring your commercial premises still meets the economic needs of your business, as well as the needs of your staff, should be regularly reviewed.

Business premises rental costs can be reduced by moving to smaller premises or to an out of town locations. Commercial utility costs can also be reduced by moving to a more energy efficient building.

Another consideration is the location of your suppliers – if your supply chain is based in a different location to your business, transport costs could be reduced by relocating.

For Reasons of Age

Without continued investment, all property begins to show wear and tear. Commercial property is no different and you may feel your premises no longer reflects your vision for the business or provides an attractive place for staff to work.

Another important consideration is whether your current premises complies with the latest building and health and safety regulations, and how much investment may be required to meet these obligations.

Moving to more modern premises or recently refurbished properties can welcome in a new exciting chapter for your business.

For Reasons of Workforce

When relocating a business, one of the most important considerations is your staff. If you have an existing workforce which you plan to keep, then your needs will be different to those businesses planning to move to be nearer to highly qualified staff.

The benefits of moving to a new location are two-fold; Existing staff will benefit from better facilities and a new location, which in turn gives them motivation to perform, and new staff will be attracted to the investment the company has made in its premises.

Consideration should also be given to the business requirement of a skilled workforce and ensuring the business is located within commuting distance to attract talented individuals.

Reasons to Choose Hamiltons Removals for Your Commercial Removals

Hamiltons Removals have almost 30 years of experience in moving businesses within the UK or from one country to another. We also offer a high-quality domestic removals service, so we can help your employees to move as well as any physical office assets, all in one convenient package.

At the core of any business these days is its technology, so we will liaise with your IT manager to ensure all your systems are up and running as soon as possible. We can also provide specialist moving services involving large or heavy machinery, such as production equipment.

We can help you move to a wide variety of locations in the UK and overseas, including France, Germany, Italy and across Europe. Our international removals department also co-ordinates commercial and domestic moves to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries.

If you need to stagger your move, or you haven’t decided what you need to take with you, we also provide secure storage units in the heart of East Anglia. Our Safe N Stored sites at Harleston and Aldeby, both close to the Norfolk/Suffolk border, will keep all your items safe for as long as you need. 

If you would like to know more about either our commercial removals services or our Safe N Stored sites, then follow this link and fill in the online form or call us on 01379 855203.